Your overall score is .
overall score chart
Your computer skills score is .
computer skills score chart
Your independent learning score is .
independent learning score chart
Your dependent learning score is .
dependent learning score chart
Your academic skills score is .
academic skills score chart

Ready to Go…

If your overall score falls between 190-225, Distance Learning is for You! 


If your overall score falls between 178-189 you may experience a little difficulty with taking online courses. Look through the statements again and identify which areas you think you may need help.

  • Are you a procrastinator?
  •   Do you need some help learning some time management skills?
  • Do you need a little help overcoming some technical hurdles?
  •  Be sure to check out the technical requirements and learning tutorials on need to have basic technology skills: how to use email, save a file on your computer, attach a file etc. 

With a little effort, you could be ready to go! 


If your overall score falls between 0-177 you may need to acquire some new skills before proceeding with online courses.

  • You may need to increase your reading and writing skills
  • You may need to learn some time management skills
Look over the statements again to identify the areas in which you need the most help and start there.  Perhaps a hybrid course (instruction is provided both in-class and online in any combination) is a better option.
Your need for online delivery score is .

Unlike the other subscales, this series of items identifies a need instead of a skill. If your score is 3.4 or higher, it indicates that your lifestyle (i.e., career, family structure, personal responsibilities, distance to higher education entities) may demand the flexibility that the online classroom can provide.

Scores below 3.4 suggest that you don't have a pressing need for online delivery of instruction. Online courses are just one of several options for you.